Wednesday, August 15, 2007 I come!!!

Just a few hours before the flight to istanbul...just a few hours until I will get for the first time on Asian continent...just a few hours before IC!

IC is the biggest AIESEC conference. It gathers together 650 passionate young people from 105 countries!

Can you imagine the Global Village or the Opening Ceremony...

I have been waiting for this conference for a lot of time I will take out everything possible from it...

I will meet my dear sister, my friends (6 of Timisoara AIESECers spread in MC abroads), my international friends and many other people I never met...even people from Tanzania, the country that I thought in childhood that it does not exist :)...

Going back to the packing,
Enjoy your time in your countries and if interested, join IC live!

Waiting for the best experience ever....

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