Thursday, October 30, 2008

The song of the month!

Tudor Gheorghe - La Paris

Tudor Gheorghe - La Paris
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Astept sa vad daca e asa, intr-adevar!
Promit sa va tin la curent si pe voi!
Ne vedem la Paris!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Eu cu cine votez?

Se apropie alegerile in minunata noastra Romanie. Chiar daca nu voi fi acasa, sper sa reusesc sa votez. Insa cu cine votez? Sau vreau sa votez intr-adevar?
Noile legi propun "reformarea clasei politice". In schimb, se pare ca vom vota doar "nume tari" si personalitati! Cand partidele politice se aliaza fara sa mai tina cont de orice ideologie sau spectru politic, cand guvernul nu face nimic altceva decat sa ofere "mila electorala", eu, simplu cetetean, cum stiu ce sa aleg? Dupa ce ratiuni ma ghidez? Sau poate e mai usor sa renunt de tot la dreptul meu de cetatean si sa nu merg la vot?

Eu cu cine votez?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Listen to...

A-Ha - Lifelines

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our new family member

It all started in a beautiful, sunny Sunday! My parents came home with a present...for themselves! They thought they will be left home alone after I leave to France and therefore they decided to buy a dog!!!

So they just surprised me and came home with a cute, little puppy! It is a HE and it's a TECKEL (those long-body and short-legs type of dog). Of course that now he is scared about the new place and new people, but he is so, so cute! I started already to get attached and I think that he will now be part of our family with full rights!

We just have to figure out a name for him! Any suggestions?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another Tuesday's song!

Another great recommendation for you to listen to - Red Hot Chilly Peppers - Otherside
Soon I will post here more than music :) haha!

Red Hot Chilly Peppers - Otherside
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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tuesday's song!

This represents a lot the way I feel now in my life!

Iris - "Steaua mea"

iris-steaua mea
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