Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If I were to sum up....

....I could say I had damn, good weekends!

Everything started with MY Romanian eXperience :). I went home for a weekend, to see my family. And to feel if it's the place to come back to! I had one of my best weekends with my parents, as we were celebrating my mum's birthday and we were having a long dinner with good food and music :)
Everything made me feel that I have 2 homes, that I do feel at home in Paris and that I do feel like belonging here!

The next weekend was relaxing; we went to Strasbourg, a city in the North-East of France, situated at the border with Germany. It is a half French, half German city, as it was under German occupation for many years! I enjoyed discovering another side of France, a quiet and calm city where people ride bikes and enjoy their walks in the street! After the busy, crowded Paris, this was like a break, like an escape!

The next weekend was dedicated to another country. We went to Bruxelles for 2 days and I must say it was a good choice! As a city, my conclusion is that it is quite "random" :), as I did not get an idea of what it wants to transmit or what is the core of the city; but in the end, I enjoyed a lot meeting old good friends and many people whom I haven't seen in a while!

And the first weekend of the month was dedicated to cooking and football :). After discovering that I can cook "sarmale" on my own :), on Sunday we went to the football game PSG-Nice (final score: 2-1). I enjoyed very much the atmosphere of my first ever football game watched live on a big stadium! And I enjoyed feeling partly Parisienne...Allez Paris!

What do you do in your weekends? :)

Friday, March 27, 2009


if you hadn't found me,
I would have found you
I would have found you

Friday, March 13, 2009


robbie williams-angels
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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Scrisoare catre liceeni

O scriere ce m-a miscat si ma simt datoare sa o dau mai departe!

"Noi am pierdut. Dar voi, voi mai aveti o sansa. Noi am fost fericiti ca am descoperit Coca-cola si bananele si am crezut ca daca noi citim, si ei vor citi. Si ca toti vom progresa si tara o sa aiba scapare. Noi ne-am inselat. Unii dintre noi au plecat de aici. Castiga bani acolo si tanjesc dupa orasul asta imputit. Voi insa, voi aveti o sansa. Voi, aveti sansa.

Nu va ganditi la furat. E calea cea mai simpla. Stiu ca ati aflat ca asa te imbogatesti. Daca ai pamant sau daca faci afaceri cu statul. Stiti voi ceva despre tva si cum ai putea sa-l furi, dar nu va e inca foarte clar. Nu asta e drumul. Cu cat se va fura mai mult, cu atat se va construi mai putin, iar copiii copiilor nostri vor mosteni un imperiu de cenusa. Sunteti tineri si totusi habar n-aveti ce inseamna un Bucuresti in care se circula normal. Daca voi habar n-aveti si daca Ei continua sa fure, ganditi-va la copiii nostri. Nu e nici o sansa.

Cititi. Cititi mult. Cititi tot ce va pica in mana. Nu-i mai ascultati doar pe profesori. Cititi orice, fara discernamant. Nimic nu e mai important ca lectura, acum. Apoi, cautati-va intre voi. Vedeti care cititi aceleasi lucruri si inhaitati-va. Numai in haita de oameni destepti o sa reusiti. Unul singur dintre voi va fi mancat. Zece insa, s-ar putea sa reusiti. Ganditi-va de pe acum sa-i inlocuiti. Timpul lor trebuie sa se termine. Trebuie sa-i dominati. Dar nu cu gandul ca veti fura mai mult ca ei. Asta e calea simpla care va va sufoca mostenitorii. Ce-o sa faceti cu milioanele intr-un oras mort? Ce-o sa cumparati, cu banii gramezi? La ce-ti foloseste un Lamborghini cand n-ai o autostrada? De ce sa ai o vila intr-un cartier sufocat de inundatii?"

Continuarea pe:

Monday, March 2, 2009


I wish you all a sunny spring, with warmth and love in your heart!

Vama (Veche) - Primavara
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