Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ce zona frumoasa!

Uau...ce zona frumoasa e cea in care locuiesc acum. La cam 20 de minute de mers pe jos, e un lac micut si un parc. Toata lumea iese la picnic acolo, dar are mai multa grija de natura ca si acasa la noi...In general, de ce imi place de letoni este pentru ca au un mare respect pentru natura si pastreaza totul foarte natural. Come on, am padure la 5 minute de bloc! Si nu parc, ci padure. Totul e linistit, lumea se relaxeaza cu familia...Cateodata ma simt ca si pe Meziadului Street :)

Asta da duminica!

Merg sa gatesc:)si sa-mi mai pun ordine in ganduri...vreau sa mi stabilesc termen pana cand ma decid ce fac cu viata mea :)

Enjoy every minute!
Cat de multe lucruri nu le luam de-a gata..sau le gandim prea putin. cat de multe decizii gresite luam...sau poate ca sunt intr-adevar doar niste lectii si acestea...
De cate ori nu ne intrebam ce ne aduce viitorul...ce sa alegem...ce e mai BUN pentru MINE!

Foarte inspiring....:

Bestial!!! Sa radem sau sa plangem?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My new home...

And the moment came...we moved into our new MC flat!

So nice and peaceful neighboorhood ...
Close to some lakes and to the woods.. (for me it is still strange...).
3 rooms, nice bathroom(we are renting the shower, 10 Turkish lira for 10 minutes shower), small nice kitchen...but all in all, everything we need. Thanks Julie, our dear teammate and my personal buddy for fingding it:)

So, write down when you want to send postcards :
Celmu Iela 10-24, Riga!
And the phone number (as everybody was confused on my birthday:):

Waiting for your visit in Riga, Latvia!
I have where to host you!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

My birthday...turning 23..

23 de atat am implinit acum o saptamana, pe 2 septembrie. Am petrecut ziua cu noii mei prieteni, echipa de MC. Dupa o plimbare binemeritata prin oras si multe ganduri despre ce inseamna varsta asta si ce am invatat pana acum, am mers in Opium unde am sarbatorit cum se cuvine. Seara insa mi-a adus surpriza unui tort si a unor daruri reprezentand manusi si fular pentru iarna. Multumesc Cute Team!

All in all, chiar daca am fost singura si ai mei nu mi-au fost aproape (erau cu Ioana in Bratislava), am reusit sa ma simt bine eu cu mine, eu cu gandurile mele, eu cu noii mei prieteni.

No pictures yet:(

Pictures from IC!

Here are some pictures with my dear romanians from IC:

All romanians in IC and You Can...We were so many....38 in IC only:) and You Can delegation was amazing...

With Gabitza, PAI for this year, but romanian:)

Timisoara-i municipiu!...Miss U my dear LC!

Wish you millions of ICs or at least one!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

But IC is back to reality!

Sometimes you loose the track of time and you find yourself lost in the world. It happened to me and I think everyone at IC. Two marvelous weeks passed so fast and I woke up back in Riga and back to reality.

Actually, what I got out with after this IC was not only the agenda, sessions , getting to know the global reality and the global innitiatives, but mostly meeting PEOPLE. You had there another 649 persons with the same goals and aspirations as you. And this is incredible. Also, I had there other 35 romanians, one of them being my sister and others being my friends from university. We had a romanian gathering and we invited Gabitza. What is actually our role for this year? How are we going to grow our countries? I discovered that I started to feel more and more a part of Latvia and that I am proud to represent it in the world:).

But I also got ambitious. I am changing a lot of my plans, improving them, and mostly making AIESEC Latvia move further. We work now at low capacity and we can do MORE.

This was IC. An adventure for 2 weeks that can hardly be put in one post. But that will stay in my heart. Who knows where will I go further? And what future has in steak for me?

Now I am waiting for tomorrow ....I am turning 23...I am rediscovering what this point in my life gets for me...and I am trying to be happy even if I am faraway from my parents and my close friends...

Happy birthday Anca!