Salutare Salutare!
Coming back with more news from IC. I was thinking that I should start writing some ideas and mostly feelings because this is unique experience for me.
We had until now all sorts of sessions and discussions, there has been a lot of networking and sharing. But mostly I think what is special for each IC is diversity and energy. I finally got to meet people from Tanzania, Rwanda, Peru, South Africa, Pakistan, Kyrghistan, Taijikistan.....
It is amazing! Can you imagine sitting in one room with other 650 delegates and 100 countries and territories? can you imagine each Growth Network trying to show that their shout is the best and the loudest?
We had already Global Village and I gathered many stories of countries all around the world. We had an official opening where the Mayor and other externals were invited to talk about the importance of AIESEC in the world.
We met the new AI. We talked to partners. We got in touch with the global perspctives and innitiatives.
We had presents from companies:).
We represent Latvia and we sing each morning our shout:
Ram tai Ram tai Radi Ridi Ridi, Ram tai Ridi LATVIA!
I met friends, I met people I knew from the start of my years in AIESEC, I got inspired, I started missing home and thn started creating a network.
Your Latvian friend.....
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
First words from IC!
In the last 3 day I have been attending the IC in Turkey. The feeling is amazing. We are here only 300 people but we will be 700 starting from tomorrow. Everybody is shouting and promoting their GN.
But amazing for me wa meeting all my old friends. Romania has I guess the biggest delegation in IC. We are more than 30 people spread around the world. Even the PAI is romanian :P. My LC Timisoara is also top of list, as we are 6 people in IC:Victor from MC Russia, Bella from MC Italy, Mishu LCP in Timisoara, Mada MC Romania and Latvia...
We have also people in Slovakia (my sister:), Kyrghistan, Austria, Macedonia, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, ...and the list can go on...actually, if you want to gossip, don t speak in romanian, for sure somebody will hear you!
So now I am going for lunch and I will come back with more news.
Tomorrow craziness starts!yuuuuhuu
In the last 3 day I have been attending the IC in Turkey. The feeling is amazing. We are here only 300 people but we will be 700 starting from tomorrow. Everybody is shouting and promoting their GN.
But amazing for me wa meeting all my old friends. Romania has I guess the biggest delegation in IC. We are more than 30 people spread around the world. Even the PAI is romanian :P. My LC Timisoara is also top of list, as we are 6 people in IC:Victor from MC Russia, Bella from MC Italy, Mishu LCP in Timisoara, Mada MC Romania and Latvia...
We have also people in Slovakia (my sister:), Kyrghistan, Austria, Macedonia, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, ...and the list can go on...actually, if you want to gossip, don t speak in romanian, for sure somebody will hear you!
So now I am going for lunch and I will come back with more news.
Tomorrow craziness starts!yuuuuhuu
Friday, August 17, 2007
Istanbul...just amazing....
I wanted to post my feelıngs towards Istanbul startıng wıth yesterday...but somehow tıredness got ınto my way.
I arrıved ın Turkey yesterday morning, at 09,20, at Attaturk aırport, along wıth all the delegatıons from Baltıc countrıes. After a hard day and nıght of packıng and sleeping only half an hour, I fırst steped ın turkısh aırport and then somethıng sımılar caught my eyes:everybody around was smokıng...well, ıt ıs the same ın Romanıa, but ın Latvıa I already got used that all pubs and cafes are wıthout any trace of cıgar smoke...
We had a very long trıp to the venue of IC, a huge Unıversıty center wıth parks and forest around. And a lot of dogs...agaın sımılarıtıes wıth my home country....Actually, what was amazıng was that ıt was my fırst tıme ın Asıa...Istanbul ıs sıtuated on 2 contınents (Europe and Asıa) and goıng to the venue we had to cross Bosfor and get to the Asıan part of the cıty. I enjoyed the ferry trıp so much because ıt offers amazıng vıews of mosques, brıdges, hılls, houses, ın one word:Istanbul!
Leavıng luggage there, we decıded to run towards sıghtseeıng. How? By taxı because out guıde was ın a very bıg hurry. So I experıenced taxıs ın Istanbul:cars goıng lıke crazy all around, the drıver changıng sıdes and gears and goıng wıth 90 km ınsıde the cıty, so preety crazy. In Istanbul, all cars go crazy and I am really afraıd to cross the streets sometımes because you really can get an accıdent ....yes, Tımısoara ıs lıke a lıttle chıld comparıng to Istanbul, but Bucharest ıs gettıng closer...
Our fırst walk ın Instanbul started...we fırst walked ın the Asıan part on the streets, had Kebab ın a restaurant, along wıth Turkısh coffee. It was so cool how the waıters were so kınd and nıce..All streets were crowded wıth shops ın open aır and people tryıng to sell you anythıng! Then we walked by ferry agaın and then we got to Taksım, center of Istanbul, where a crowd of cars and busses merge and where a long and crowded street starts. I never saw ın my lıfe so many people on one street. What ıs amazıng about Turkey and Istanbul ıs the energy, the pulse, the huge amount of movements ın the street (well, 17 mıllıon people lıveın Istanbul so...).
Lots of shops, cafes, stoppıng for boys to smoke Nargılea ...(there are doıng ıt rıght now also on the balcony of our guest whıle playıng some games - table ın romanıan). Gırls havıng coffee or fruıt juıce...enjoyıng the energy of the cıty...In the evenıng, thanks to our dear guests, we had Turkısh tea and fruıts for dınner...and a well deserved sleep...
Today we started the walk agaın...of course, goıng to famous places that our guests advısed us to go. We started ın the early mornıng wıth Grand Bazzar, a market kept ın our days for tourısts as there are pretty expensıve stuff also. there are long streets of tables wıth produtcts, tradıtıonal or not. Agaın, everybody wants to sell you somethıng. They are so ınsıstent that somehow I dıdn t lıke ıt so much. And the rule ıs that you need to bargaın for what you buy. They usually start from the double prıce. What I bought :)...earıngs, a beatıful scarf and a nıce blouse and some souvenırs. It was nıce, but once more I decıded that I don,t lıke sales and bargaınıng.
Movıng to more cultural and spırıtual places, we fınally vısıted the Mosquesand the museum of Haıga Sofıa. We were fırst at Blue Mosques. I wanted to enter ıt but ıt was prayer tıme. There were lots of people stadıng ın front and just prayıng. And asıde...tourısts...Another amazıng part of Istanbul ıs the fact that ın the mornıng you can be awakened by the sound of prayers from the Mosques. It ıs so loud that many tımes a day you can get surprısed by the same sound of a man sıngıng. I dıscovered once more that I am passıoanate about relıgıon...
Haıga Sofıa, now a museum after beıng a chourch ın Roman tımes and then a Mosque ın Sultan tımes, was also an amazıng hıstorıc place to vısıt. I got to see mozaıcs and paıtıngs from 9th century!
Afternoon was calm and just reserved a walk for us. We were very tıred and stopped to eat and drınk coffee. ıt had been an amazıng day...Evenıng brought a short meetıng wıth my sıster, Ioana (she ıs also joınıng IC as MC member of Slovakıa) and a present from her (candıes from Harrods). I was very happy to see her as I have,t seen her for some months now.
Now we are back ın our guests house. We are stayıng at Evren and Erdı, two nıce twın brothers workıng ın AIESEC Istanbul (and also ın the CC for IC). thank you very much guys for all the trouble for us and for hostıng us! You are always welcomed ın our countrıes!
In the end, what ıs specıfıc about Istanbul ıs : a lot of possıbılıtıes to travel (bus, tram, metro, funnıcular,, there are no garbage bıns on the streets (for securıty reasons), people are kınd and nıce when you enter shops or cafees, ıce-cream lıke a rubber - served by a crazy guy who throws ıt ın the aır, Kebab and Turkısh strong coffee, ferrıes goıng randomly on Bosfor, sound from Mosques ın the very mornıng, huge cıty wıth mıllıons of people just steppıng eachother...
In one word, really amazıng!
I am enjoyıng so much that I am thınkıng that I need to see more from Turkey...
Tomorrow IC starts...another experıence...meetıng old frııon...crazıness...
Cannot waıt,
Keepıng you updated!
I arrıved ın Turkey yesterday morning, at 09,20, at Attaturk aırport, along wıth all the delegatıons from Baltıc countrıes. After a hard day and nıght of packıng and sleeping only half an hour, I fırst steped ın turkısh aırport and then somethıng sımılar caught my eyes:everybody around was smokıng...well, ıt ıs the same ın Romanıa, but ın Latvıa I already got used that all pubs and cafes are wıthout any trace of cıgar smoke...
We had a very long trıp to the venue of IC, a huge Unıversıty center wıth parks and forest around. And a lot of dogs...agaın sımılarıtıes wıth my home country....Actually, what was amazıng was that ıt was my fırst tıme ın Asıa...Istanbul ıs sıtuated on 2 contınents (Europe and Asıa) and goıng to the venue we had to cross Bosfor and get to the Asıan part of the cıty. I enjoyed the ferry trıp so much because ıt offers amazıng vıews of mosques, brıdges, hılls, houses, ın one word:Istanbul!
Leavıng luggage there, we decıded to run towards sıghtseeıng. How? By taxı because out guıde was ın a very bıg hurry. So I experıenced taxıs ın Istanbul:cars goıng lıke crazy all around, the drıver changıng sıdes and gears and goıng wıth 90 km ınsıde the cıty, so preety crazy. In Istanbul, all cars go crazy and I am really afraıd to cross the streets sometımes because you really can get an accıdent ....yes, Tımısoara ıs lıke a lıttle chıld comparıng to Istanbul, but Bucharest ıs gettıng closer...
Our fırst walk ın Instanbul started...we fırst walked ın the Asıan part on the streets, had Kebab ın a restaurant, along wıth Turkısh coffee. It was so cool how the waıters were so kınd and nıce..All streets were crowded wıth shops ın open aır and people tryıng to sell you anythıng! Then we walked by ferry agaın and then we got to Taksım, center of Istanbul, where a crowd of cars and busses merge and where a long and crowded street starts. I never saw ın my lıfe so many people on one street. What ıs amazıng about Turkey and Istanbul ıs the energy, the pulse, the huge amount of movements ın the street (well, 17 mıllıon people lıveın Istanbul so...).
Lots of shops, cafes, stoppıng for boys to smoke Nargılea ...(there are doıng ıt rıght now also on the balcony of our guest whıle playıng some games - table ın romanıan). Gırls havıng coffee or fruıt juıce...enjoyıng the energy of the cıty...In the evenıng, thanks to our dear guests, we had Turkısh tea and fruıts for dınner...and a well deserved sleep...
Today we started the walk agaın...of course, goıng to famous places that our guests advısed us to go. We started ın the early mornıng wıth Grand Bazzar, a market kept ın our days for tourısts as there are pretty expensıve stuff also. there are long streets of tables wıth produtcts, tradıtıonal or not. Agaın, everybody wants to sell you somethıng. They are so ınsıstent that somehow I dıdn t lıke ıt so much. And the rule ıs that you need to bargaın for what you buy. They usually start from the double prıce. What I bought :)...earıngs, a beatıful scarf and a nıce blouse and some souvenırs. It was nıce, but once more I decıded that I don,t lıke sales and bargaınıng.
Movıng to more cultural and spırıtual places, we fınally vısıted the Mosquesand the museum of Haıga Sofıa. We were fırst at Blue Mosques. I wanted to enter ıt but ıt was prayer tıme. There were lots of people stadıng ın front and just prayıng. And asıde...tourısts...Another amazıng part of Istanbul ıs the fact that ın the mornıng you can be awakened by the sound of prayers from the Mosques. It ıs so loud that many tımes a day you can get surprısed by the same sound of a man sıngıng. I dıscovered once more that I am passıoanate about relıgıon...
Haıga Sofıa, now a museum after beıng a chourch ın Roman tımes and then a Mosque ın Sultan tımes, was also an amazıng hıstorıc place to vısıt. I got to see mozaıcs and paıtıngs from 9th century!
Afternoon was calm and just reserved a walk for us. We were very tıred and stopped to eat and drınk coffee. ıt had been an amazıng day...Evenıng brought a short meetıng wıth my sıster, Ioana (she ıs also joınıng IC as MC member of Slovakıa) and a present from her (candıes from Harrods). I was very happy to see her as I have,t seen her for some months now.
Now we are back ın our guests house. We are stayıng at Evren and Erdı, two nıce twın brothers workıng ın AIESEC Istanbul (and also ın the CC for IC). thank you very much guys for all the trouble for us and for hostıng us! You are always welcomed ın our countrıes!
In the end, what ıs specıfıc about Istanbul ıs : a lot of possıbılıtıes to travel (bus, tram, metro, funnıcular,, there are no garbage bıns on the streets (for securıty reasons), people are kınd and nıce when you enter shops or cafees, ıce-cream lıke a rubber - served by a crazy guy who throws ıt ın the aır, Kebab and Turkısh strong coffee, ferrıes goıng randomly on Bosfor, sound from Mosques ın the very mornıng, huge cıty wıth mıllıons of people just steppıng eachother...
In one word, really amazıng!
I am enjoyıng so much that I am thınkıng that I need to see more from Turkey...
Tomorrow IC starts...another experıence...meetıng old frııon...crazıness...
Cannot waıt,
Keepıng you updated!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 I come!!!
Just a few hours before the flight to istanbul...just a few hours until I will get for the first time on Asian continent...just a few hours before IC!
IC is the biggest AIESEC conference. It gathers together 650 passionate young people from 105 countries!
Can you imagine the Global Village or the Opening Ceremony...
I have been waiting for this conference for a lot of time I will take out everything possible from it...
I will meet my dear sister, my friends (6 of Timisoara AIESECers spread in MC abroads), my international friends and many other people I never met...even people from Tanzania, the country that I thought in childhood that it does not exist :)...
Going back to the packing,
Enjoy your time in your countries and if interested, join IC live!
Waiting for the best experience ever....
IC is the biggest AIESEC conference. It gathers together 650 passionate young people from 105 countries!
Can you imagine the Global Village or the Opening Ceremony...
I have been waiting for this conference for a lot of time I will take out everything possible from it...
I will meet my dear sister, my friends (6 of Timisoara AIESECers spread in MC abroads), my international friends and many other people I never met...even people from Tanzania, the country that I thought in childhood that it does not exist :)...
Going back to the packing,
Enjoy your time in your countries and if interested, join IC live!
Waiting for the best experience ever....
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Weekend la Sigulda!!!
Uite ca venii vara si in Letonia. E cald de numa si in Riga si peste tot unde mergi e numai soare (minune, eu eram obisnuita ca vreo 5 luni pe an sa fie asa).
Weekend liber...deci iesire din Riga pt ca oricum nu aveam ce face aici, echipa mea e plecata in Lituania la o conferinta.
Asa ca mi-am invims febra din ultimele zile si m-am urcat pe tren (in ultimele 20 de minute) spre Sigulda. Loc foarte vestit...castele ...Rezervatia Nationala multa lume caci festivalul organizat exact in acest weekend sarbatoreste 800 de ani de existenta a oraselului.
Mai multe la linkul:
Well, surpriza a fost mare cand am vazut 4 dintre voluntari intalniti saptamana trecuta asteptandu-ma in gara (erau acolo Ralex, Caroline, Sofia si Adrien - acum poreclit Frenchie).
M-am bucurat sa-i vad si imediat am inceput plimbarea pe la minunate standuri si tot felul de jocuri pt copii sau adulti...mai mult pt copii:). Am incercat si catararea pe niste franghii si printre niste copaci (logic ca jocul era pt copii, dar noi trebuia sa incercam), ne-am facut poze cu personaje din istorie si am urmarit parada medievala (foarte foarte misto, de la regine la vrajitoare sau copii care se joaca baba oarba)...apoi am vizitat castelul, ne am odihnt la umbra si am povestit vrute si nevrute.
Seara ne-am intors in Ligatne, oraselul unde locuiesc Caroline si Patrick. La ei am fost gazduiti si am tinut petrecerea. Petrecere care a inceput cu o baie in lac (minunat, un lac inconjurat numai de padure si soarele apunea incet) si a continuat cu clatite arse de Ralex si de mine apoi; bineinteles, ca si la orice petrecere, trebuia sa inceapa conversatia. Si cum sa faci asta decat prin ceva sticle de decis insa sa-i invat sa joace I have never ever :) iar am descoperit lucruri interesante...
Duminica insa ne-a trezit pe toti cu dorinta de a ne odhni si de a ne intoarce la intors in ne-am luat la revedere cu promisiunea ca ne vom revedea curand, poate pe 8 Septembrie in Jelgava, la Manuel.
Insa mi-e ce mi-a adus acest weekend, pe langa putina relaxare si chaturi cu niste prieteni, au fost niste concluzii pe care vroiam sa le impartasesc cu voi, care cateodata mai dati un ochi pe blogul meu.
Am realizat cate diferente exista de fapt intre noi si Europa de Vest. Noii mei prieteni sunt cam toti de prin Vest, Germania, Franta, Olanda, Suedia...mai exact spus, de prin tari mai dezvoltate si mai inaintate decat decat Letonia. Mi-am dat seama ca experienta copilariei mele a fost diferita de a eu si romanii nu am experimentat inca niste lucruri care pt ei sunt de ordinea zilei. Romania nu se bucura (inca!) de un mediu multicultural, noi nu avem imigranti cat casa si nu suntem obisnuiti cu homosexualitate sau droguri. Poate bucurestenii o sa ma contrazica, nu stiu, nu am locuit in Bucuresti...dar in Oradea sau Timisoara eu nu am simtit o atat de mare obisnuinta cu trenduri sau probleme de genul asta. Pur si simplu, e o alta lume! Ca sa nu mai vorbesc de dependenta de Cola sau Chips uri(care incepe sa se simta deja si in Romania insa). Lumea moderna a uitat sa manance sanatos..
All in all, m-am simtit de multe ori cu ei ca si un copil naiv care nu prea a vazut parade gay sau nu stie expresii ale homosexualilor...sau care nu merge pe tramvai impreuna cu 5 grupuri de alte nationalitati stabilite in tara ta!
Cam atat ...what's next? Well, cand asteptam momentul tin la curent!
Uite ca venii vara si in Letonia. E cald de numa si in Riga si peste tot unde mergi e numai soare (minune, eu eram obisnuita ca vreo 5 luni pe an sa fie asa).
Weekend liber...deci iesire din Riga pt ca oricum nu aveam ce face aici, echipa mea e plecata in Lituania la o conferinta.
Asa ca mi-am invims febra din ultimele zile si m-am urcat pe tren (in ultimele 20 de minute) spre Sigulda. Loc foarte vestit...castele ...Rezervatia Nationala multa lume caci festivalul organizat exact in acest weekend sarbatoreste 800 de ani de existenta a oraselului.
Mai multe la linkul:
Well, surpriza a fost mare cand am vazut 4 dintre voluntari intalniti saptamana trecuta asteptandu-ma in gara (erau acolo Ralex, Caroline, Sofia si Adrien - acum poreclit Frenchie).
M-am bucurat sa-i vad si imediat am inceput plimbarea pe la minunate standuri si tot felul de jocuri pt copii sau adulti...mai mult pt copii:). Am incercat si catararea pe niste franghii si printre niste copaci (logic ca jocul era pt copii, dar noi trebuia sa incercam), ne-am facut poze cu personaje din istorie si am urmarit parada medievala (foarte foarte misto, de la regine la vrajitoare sau copii care se joaca baba oarba)...apoi am vizitat castelul, ne am odihnt la umbra si am povestit vrute si nevrute.
Seara ne-am intors in Ligatne, oraselul unde locuiesc Caroline si Patrick. La ei am fost gazduiti si am tinut petrecerea. Petrecere care a inceput cu o baie in lac (minunat, un lac inconjurat numai de padure si soarele apunea incet) si a continuat cu clatite arse de Ralex si de mine apoi; bineinteles, ca si la orice petrecere, trebuia sa inceapa conversatia. Si cum sa faci asta decat prin ceva sticle de decis insa sa-i invat sa joace I have never ever :) iar am descoperit lucruri interesante...
Duminica insa ne-a trezit pe toti cu dorinta de a ne odhni si de a ne intoarce la intors in ne-am luat la revedere cu promisiunea ca ne vom revedea curand, poate pe 8 Septembrie in Jelgava, la Manuel.
Insa mi-e ce mi-a adus acest weekend, pe langa putina relaxare si chaturi cu niste prieteni, au fost niste concluzii pe care vroiam sa le impartasesc cu voi, care cateodata mai dati un ochi pe blogul meu.
Am realizat cate diferente exista de fapt intre noi si Europa de Vest. Noii mei prieteni sunt cam toti de prin Vest, Germania, Franta, Olanda, Suedia...mai exact spus, de prin tari mai dezvoltate si mai inaintate decat decat Letonia. Mi-am dat seama ca experienta copilariei mele a fost diferita de a eu si romanii nu am experimentat inca niste lucruri care pt ei sunt de ordinea zilei. Romania nu se bucura (inca!) de un mediu multicultural, noi nu avem imigranti cat casa si nu suntem obisnuiti cu homosexualitate sau droguri. Poate bucurestenii o sa ma contrazica, nu stiu, nu am locuit in Bucuresti...dar in Oradea sau Timisoara eu nu am simtit o atat de mare obisnuinta cu trenduri sau probleme de genul asta. Pur si simplu, e o alta lume! Ca sa nu mai vorbesc de dependenta de Cola sau Chips uri(care incepe sa se simta deja si in Romania insa). Lumea moderna a uitat sa manance sanatos..
All in all, m-am simtit de multe ori cu ei ca si un copil naiv care nu prea a vazut parade gay sau nu stie expresii ale homosexualilor...sau care nu merge pe tramvai impreuna cu 5 grupuri de alte nationalitati stabilite in tara ta!
Cam atat ...what's next? Well, cand asteptam momentul tin la curent!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Voluntarii rocks!!!
Long time no write...
Well, am avut o super experienta saptamana trecuta.
Am fost intr-un "midweek" cu alti 9 voluntari din Latvia. Adica, ne-am strans toti voluntarii EVS (European Voluntary Service) care am sosit in ultimele 2 luni in Letonia.
Totul organizat de catre Agentia Nationala din Riga, cea care coordoneaza programele de tineret ale UE in Letonia.
A fost..hi....cuvantul...caut...da, amazing!
De miercuri pana sambata, 10 nebuni din colturile Europei (Franta, Germania, Suedia, Olanda, Polonia si Romania:) am trait intr-o casa de vacanta in the middle of nowhere. Ne-au ghidat Kristine si Baiba din partea Agentiei.
Am fost un grup nebun si galagios, chinuindu-se sa invete sa spuna Ludzu (care inseamna cu placere). Ludzu si Hey Jude au devenit motto ul celor 4 zile petrecute impreuna.
Dar am avut parte si de lucruri traditionale, precum sauna (pirts), lectii de letona (dupa cum vedeti, incep sa folosesc din ce in ce mai mult cuvinte in letona; se si merita deoarece sunt aproximativ 2 milioane de oameni care mai vorbesc aceasta limba, jumate din ei fiind rusi de origine de altfel), quiz-uri despre Letonia si lectii de dans traditional. Am invatat chiar si un cantec folk.
Insa zilele astea au vrut sa ne ofere si multe challenge-uri. Am avut o zi intreaga de mers cu bicicleta si teambuilding in natura. A fost mai greu decat ma asteptam, dar am rezistat unei calatorii de 50 de km! A fost extenuant, dar la sfarsit ne-am bucurat de o baie in lacul din fata casutei noastre de vacanta.
All in all, grupul de voluntari a fost teribil de misto. Ne-am inteles foarte bine pentru ca impartasim aceleasi intrebari si probleme, suntem toti plecati de acasa cu rucsacii in spate si cu dorinta de a descoperi lumea. Am aflat mai multe despre Europa de Vest intalnind europenii de acolo, am cunoscut French si Dutch guys care mi-au confirmat parerea despre natiile lor, incat acum mi-e dor de ei:).
Totul a fost absolut nebun si de abia astept urmatoarea aventura.
Weekendul viitor merg la Sigulda, e aniversarea a 800 de ani de la existenta parcului national din aceasta regiune. Ma voi intalni din nou cu grupul drag de EVS volunteers si sper sa am parte de o relaxare pe cinste (sa-mi mai aerisesc creierii ca in sediul nostru dragut nu sunt ferestre si aerul intra cam greu).
Pana la viitorul post,
Well, am avut o super experienta saptamana trecuta.
Am fost intr-un "midweek" cu alti 9 voluntari din Latvia. Adica, ne-am strans toti voluntarii EVS (European Voluntary Service) care am sosit in ultimele 2 luni in Letonia.
Totul organizat de catre Agentia Nationala din Riga, cea care coordoneaza programele de tineret ale UE in Letonia.
A fost..hi....cuvantul...caut...da, amazing!
De miercuri pana sambata, 10 nebuni din colturile Europei (Franta, Germania, Suedia, Olanda, Polonia si Romania:) am trait intr-o casa de vacanta in the middle of nowhere. Ne-au ghidat Kristine si Baiba din partea Agentiei.
Am fost un grup nebun si galagios, chinuindu-se sa invete sa spuna Ludzu (care inseamna cu placere). Ludzu si Hey Jude au devenit motto ul celor 4 zile petrecute impreuna.
Dar am avut parte si de lucruri traditionale, precum sauna (pirts), lectii de letona (dupa cum vedeti, incep sa folosesc din ce in ce mai mult cuvinte in letona; se si merita deoarece sunt aproximativ 2 milioane de oameni care mai vorbesc aceasta limba, jumate din ei fiind rusi de origine de altfel), quiz-uri despre Letonia si lectii de dans traditional. Am invatat chiar si un cantec folk.
Insa zilele astea au vrut sa ne ofere si multe challenge-uri. Am avut o zi intreaga de mers cu bicicleta si teambuilding in natura. A fost mai greu decat ma asteptam, dar am rezistat unei calatorii de 50 de km! A fost extenuant, dar la sfarsit ne-am bucurat de o baie in lacul din fata casutei noastre de vacanta.
All in all, grupul de voluntari a fost teribil de misto. Ne-am inteles foarte bine pentru ca impartasim aceleasi intrebari si probleme, suntem toti plecati de acasa cu rucsacii in spate si cu dorinta de a descoperi lumea. Am aflat mai multe despre Europa de Vest intalnind europenii de acolo, am cunoscut French si Dutch guys care mi-au confirmat parerea despre natiile lor, incat acum mi-e dor de ei:).
Totul a fost absolut nebun si de abia astept urmatoarea aventura.
Weekendul viitor merg la Sigulda, e aniversarea a 800 de ani de la existenta parcului national din aceasta regiune. Ma voi intalni din nou cu grupul drag de EVS volunteers si sper sa am parte de o relaxare pe cinste (sa-mi mai aerisesc creierii ca in sediul nostru dragut nu sunt ferestre si aerul intra cam greu).
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