Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Holidays in Transylvania

I would assume many of my readers think this blog is inactive. It is indeed true, I have not posted for months now. Maybe my sharing moved to Facebook and was reduced to a simple wall post. 

I would like to bring it back to life by promoting a very cool entrepreneurial initiative of a friend of mine. He built a tourism agency focused on promoting Romanian traditions and Transylvania region.
Keep in touch!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Se pare ca e singura stare care ma impinge sa scriu pe blog. Si uite ca iese numai in romana.
Ma intrebam asta seara de ce devenim sentimentali de ziua noastra de nastere? O fii pentru ca a mai trecut un an si avem in cap obsesia imbatranirii?

Eu simt ca imi merit varsta si vreau sa o port cu mandrie. Pentru nimic nu e tarziu inca, nu vreau sa ard etape, totul se rezolva pas cu pas ;) Avem timp pentru toate nu?

Multumesc ca-mi sunteti alaturi. De fapt, cum transmiti asta tuturor oamenilor care au contribuit la ceea ce esti si la varsta ta?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Momente efemere...

Weekendul acesta de Pasti a fost petrecut intr-un loc nou. Nu atat de nou pt mine cum ar trebui deja sa fiu obisnuita cu limba si peisajele frantuzesti. Insa nou totusi pt mine.
Am fost la Grenoble (locatie mai exacta pe google map, insa undeva prin sud-estul Frantei). Oras superb numai pt ca se afla intr-o vale si din orice colt aproape poti vedea muntii. Si nu oricare munti, ci Alpii.
Din departare, de sus, se vede si Mont Blanc-ul. Sau creasta lui...

Statiune de schi impresionanta. Multe, multe piste. Oameni, in numar rezonabil. Anca, speriata de cazaturi initial, reuseste sa doboare cateva piste verzi (cele mai usoare, stiu!), si una albastra - si deci sa isi "challenguiasca" un pic frica de inaltime si de viteza! E clar un da pt imbunatatirea la iarna a tehnicilor de schi :) cine mi se alatura?

In plus, am luat lumina de la biserica romaneasca dintr-o comuna de langa Grenoble (deci un progres fata de acum 2 ani cand nu intelegeam nimic din slujba in rusa). Din nou, challenguind cum ne raportam noi si cum se raporteaza ei la sarbatoarea Pastilor (cine e noi, cine sunt ei oare?) conclusions yet!

Poze in postul viitor.
Si posturi poate mai dese. Poate mai interactive. Poate in romana.
Oricum, pt cine mai citeste blog-ul...noapte buna!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mi-e dor....

Mi-e dor de "casa" si mai ales mi-e dor de oameni dragi. M-am indepartat cu adevarat de prietenii mei din liceu, de cei din universitate, de cei pe care ii stiu de cand eram in carucior, pana si de cei din minunanta organizatie care ne-a animat anii de studentie.
Mi-e dor de tot ce e vechi si ce am lasat in urma. Mi-e dor de tot ce am uitat. Mi-e dor de locurile unde am locuit, de toate camerele pe care le-am amenajat ca sa ma simt ca si "acasa", la fel cum fac acum la mutarea in noul apartament. Mi-e dor de stabilitatea pe care poate ca nu am avut-o niciodata si pe care mi-o doresc, de care ma agat ca de o idee prosteasca si copilareasca.

Mi-e dor sa nu imi mai fie sa "stau", sa "ma asez" cu calm. Imi doresc acel calm, o directie, un vis, o sclipire...sau poate doar sa stiu ce caut. Atat...

PS: Un prieten e un dar pe care ti-l faci singur. Ei, oare cate daruri mi-am facut eu mie? Sau poate pe cate le-am pastrat?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Updates about a new beginning...

Welcome back, Anca!

This is what my blog should now say to me. As he's been missing me for some months now. I seem to get on track with writing about me and then I get back inside, I keep it all to myself. I'll just consider them as ups and downs and I hope you'll bear with me the downs.

So I am back on track with a new year to start and to enjoy. Just as an update, I am still in Paris, finished my internship in November and stayed in my previous position, but as an employee (yupii). This means of course not only more money (which is always good), but another type of responsibility, another feeling when waking up early in the morning, another way of seeing things.
Done, the road to becoming an adult with responsibilities and bills to pay is...there!

Nothing to complain though, I do enjoy my job, even if it's mostly challenging. I love Paris and the dear people who are now close to me. I definetely enjoy my life and I can say for sure that 2009 was the best year lately for me!
....if somehow, somewhere, I lost the touch with some of you, I must is probably because I've been too stressed to grow stability in and around me!

Impatiently waiting for a year meant to make things even clearer and much more stable in my life.
For you all, for 2009 and 2010, chapeau!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Helping people

I know I am not extremely active on my blog lately, but I wanted to use this channel to try helping out someone who needs it. Help, if you can.

“Constantin Botezatu, or Coco as friends know him,2008-2009 President of AIESEC SIBIU, is in need of our help.

On the 29th of October he was diagnosed with a very aggressive type of cancer, which progressed too fast and he is currently fighting for anoher chance.

He needs to go to a clinic in Turkey for a proper medical care (an operation that costs 50.000 Euros). Whatever help you may offer, bellow you can find the data where you can make a donation:

Contact: Ruxandra Calinoiu
Cont: RO73ABNA0000001001312457
Banca RBS BANK, sucursala Sibiu